Life is forever changed at Green Gables, a tranquil farm on Canada's Prince Edward Island, with the arrival of a redheaded chatterbox named Anne. The spirited, precocious 11-year-old orphan finds 'scope for imagination" everywhere she looks, transforming the lives of Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, her elderly guardians, with her merry doings and misadventures.
4.6Overall Score
Anne of Green Gables
Reader's Review A classic that many adults will remember reading, but still delights and engages the modern generation who will relate to Anne's enthusiasm for life and the many scraps and ...
Reader’s Review
A classic that many adults will remember reading, but still delights and engages the modern generation who will relate to Anne’s enthusiasm for life and the many scraps and situations she keeps getting into. Some children may find the story line old-fashioned, and the many descriptions of nature and the environment to be challenging, but the quality of language used will benefit middle school readers.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: Marilla drinks on occasion, Anne by mistake gets her friend drunk by giving her an alcoholic drink instead of juice. Music and dancing is part of the island culture.
- Violence: Anne gets into dangerous situations such as walking on the roof of a house after being dared to do so. In one famous scene, a pupil breaks her slate on a boy’s head.
- Romance: Gilbert flirts with Anne in school, teasing her, and towards the end of the book shows affection for her. A teacher is mentioned as showing affection to one of his teenage students.
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