Mr. Popper and his family have penguins in the fridge and an ice rink in the basement in this hilarious Newbery Honor book ! How many penguins in the house is too many? Mr. Popper is a humble house painter living in Stillwater who dreams of faraway places like the South Pole. When an explorer responds to his letter by sending him a penguin named Captain Cook, Mr. Popper and his family’s lives change forever.…
4.6Overall Score
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Reader's Review This is a fun book with a lot of funny moments, but not much in terms of educational value. A poor painter, obsessed with the South Pole, is elated when he's gifted a pet ...
Reader’s Review
This is a fun book with a lot of funny moments, but not much in terms of educational value. A poor painter, obsessed with the South Pole, is elated when he’s gifted a pet penguin. Soon one penguin turns to 12, and the painter’s life is turned upside down. If you don’t mind reading a book with a lot of absurd moments, or if you just love penguins, then you’ll enjoy this simple novel.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: Mr. Popper works hard when he has to, but he prefers to read about the South Pole, and doesn’t do much to earn a living for half the year, nor is he concerned that his family has to make do with very little money. He and his wife love each other, yet when he gets the opportunity to leave for a year or two on a voyage to the South Pole, she is happy to let him go.
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