Animal Farm (Annotated)
Title: Animal Farm (Annotated)
Published: 2021-02-07
ISBN: 9798705997893
Page Count: 120
Book URL: Google Books
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Ultimately, however, the rebellion is betrayed, and the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before, under the dictatorship of a pig named…
4.1Overall Score

Animal Farm (Annotated)

Reader's Review This classic allegory written by Orwell as a critique on communist Russia under Stalin, still has many valuable lessons for today's world. The story is simple, and may be ...

  • Popularity
  • Islamic Values
  • Clean (Romance)
  • Clean (Profanity
  • Clean (Violence)

Reader’s Review

This classic allegory written by Orwell as a critique on communist Russia under Stalin, still has many valuable lessons for today’s world. The story is simple, and may be understood by younger children, but the violence can be disturbing, and moreover the purpose of the book is to be read as an allegory. With guidance (for example in the classroom), this novella can create a great deal of productive discussion on themes such as the ability of power to corrupt, the need of human beings to control others, the value of education and the consequences of ignoring or refusing to acknowledge corruption and oppression.

To look out for

  • Islamic Values: Human owner and then pigs love to drink and often get drunk. Pigs sow barley to create more alcohol and use dubious methods to get money to buy crates of beer. There is much deception and lying by those in power.
  • Violence: There is a multiple battles between the animals and the humans, with the humans wielding guns and wounding animals by shooting at them. There is mention of humans whipping and slaughtering animals. The pigs take advantage of the other animals by whipping them, and there is one particularly violent scene where animals who confess to supporting the enemy and executed by a group of ferocious dogs. A group of chickens starve themselves in protest, and some die.
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Shaista Yusufali

Shaista Yusufali is an English teacher who currently teaches at the RISE Academy in San Jose. She also studied at Jamiat al-Zahra from 2004-2006 and is the mother of three avid readers.

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