Lailah is in a new school in a new country, thousands of miles from her old home, and missing her old friends. When Ramadan begins, she is excited that she is finally old enough to participate in the fasting but worried that her classmates won’t understand why she doesn’t join them in the lunchroom. Lailah solves her problem with help from the school librarian and her teacher and in doing so learns that she can…
4.9Overall Score
Lailah's Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story
Reader's Review A sweet story about a young girl who is fasting for the first time and has a hard time telling her teacher and classmates why she doesn't have lunch. She befriends the ...
Reader’s Review
A sweet story about a young girl who is fasting for the first time and has a hard time telling her teacher and classmates why she doesn’t have lunch. She befriends the librarian who gives her an idea that helps. The pictures are beautiful and the story is relatable.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: The young girl is fasting but she doesn’t wear hijab. Her age is not mentioned.
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