Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure
Title: Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure
Published: 2003-03-01
ISBN: 9780756982522
Page Count: 76
Book URL: Google Books
After a bulletin board falls on Stanley while he is sleeping, he finds that being flat has its advantages.
4.2Overall Score

Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure

Reader's Review: This is a popular chapter books series for new readers about a young boy who wakes up one morning flattened by a bulletin board. Rather than worry about the situation, his ...

  • Popularity
  • Islamic Values
  • Clean (Romance)
  • Clean (Profanity
  • Clean (Violence)

Reader’s Review:

This is a popular chapter books series for new readers about a young boy who wakes up one morning flattened by a bulletin board. Rather than worry about the situation, his family deals with the change in their son and changes their lifestyle to accommodate a flat child. Thus starts a series of adventures for Stanley, including flying as a kite and being shipped in an envelope. Young children enjoy the bizarre scenarios, but adults may find the books shallow and old-fashioned (they were first published in the 1960s). There are some discussions about accepting kids with disabilities, but also some jealousy from Stanley’s brother because of all the attention Stanley gets.

To look out for

  • Islamic Values: There are a lot of books in this series, most of them about adventures and traveling around the world, but some include topics such as Christmas. There is also some sibling rivalry and jealousy because Stanley’s parents give him a lot more attention than they do to his brother Arthur.
  • Language: Arthur sometimes calls his brother names such as flatty-head or pancake. Other instances of mild language.


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Shaista Yusufali

Shaista Yusufali is an English teacher who currently teaches at the RISE Academy in San Jose. She also studied at Jamiat al-Zahra from 2004-2006 and is the mother of three avid readers.

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