Emily of New Moon Illustrated
Title: Emily of New Moon Illustrated
Ages: ,
Published: 1923
ISBN: 9798516466205
Page Count: 393
Book URL: Google Books
When Emily Starr is taken to live with her aunts at New Moon farm, she embarks on a series of triumphs and mishaps that are not unlike those of Anne of Green Gables.
4.5Overall Score

Emily of New Moon Illustrated

A wonderful classic perfect for preteens and teens, looking to practice their English but still have an enjoyable read, To look out for: Islamic values: Children steal apples. In one scene, ...

  • Popularity
  • Islamic Values
  • Clean (Romance)
  • Clean (Profanity
  • Clean (Violence)

A wonderful classic perfect for preteens and teens, looking to practice their English but still have an enjoyable read,

To look out for:

Islamic values: Children steal apples. In one scene, man convinces a child that they ate a poisoned apple, and would die within an hour, but is lying.

Romance: Several mentions of ‘beaus’ (the 1900s term for ‘boyfriends’)

Violence: Emily’s father dies of consumption (tuberculosis). A few mildy frightening scenes such as one where the main character believes that she will die. Mentions of a character’s mother, who supposedly ran off with a lover (she really fell into a well and died).

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Haniya Y. is a high schooler in San Jose, CA, who loves few things more than reading a book on a rainy day

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