The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street
Reader's Review: The Vanderbeekers is about a contemporary family who's strength lies in the love they have for each other and their community. The affectionate relationship between the parents ...
Reader’s Review: The Vanderbeekers is about a contemporary family who’s strength lies in the love they have for each other and their community. The affectionate relationship between the parents and the siblings is rare to find in modern literature, and the story unfolds with much humour and compassion. Would be great as a read aloud for. younger kids, though you may wish to skip certain parts – see concerns below.
Look out for: To look out for is the occasional impolite word and mild language between the kids and references to 21st century culture. In addition at one point in the book, one of the girls is invited to a school dance by a boy for the first time to the dismay of her twin sister. The emphasis in this book lies more on the challenge this poses for the twins, but definitely worth talking to your kids about. –
- Language: parents disapprove of kids use words like ‘freaking’
- Romance: Jessie is shocked when Benny asks her twin sister to the school dance, and tries to prevent him from taking her, causing issues between the sisters. In the end they resolve the situation and the two attend the dance together
- Islamic Values: Isa is an avid violin player, references are made to modern culture such as Harry Potter