40 Sufi Comics
Title: 40 Sufi Comics
Published: 2011-01-01
ISBN: 9781456461270
Page Count: 95
Book URL: Google Books
Sufi Comics are short comic strips that illustrate the eternal spiritual truths in the teachings of Islam. 40 Sufi Comics is a collection of these comics in the form of a book. Alongside each comic are relevant verses from the Holy Qur'an and Traditions from the Prophet & the Ahlul Bayt. Some of the titles included in this book: * The Truth about Lies * Mother * Where does Wisdom come from? * Where is…
4.8Overall Score

40 Sufi Comics

Reader's Review In the first of a series of books with Islamic comics, the artists take commonly narrated stories from the lives of the Ahlul Bayt (a) and tell them using comic strips. Unlike ...

  • Popularity
  • Islamic Values
  • Clean (Romance)
  • Clean (Profanity
  • Clean (Violence)

Reader’s Review

In the first of a series of books with Islamic comics, the artists take commonly narrated stories from the lives of the Ahlul Bayt (a) and tell them using comic strips. Unlike subsequent books, this one is in black and white, and the longer explanations may be dry for younger audiences. But kids will enjoy the comics and the stories, and adults will appreciate the lessons.

To look out for

Some of the spiritual concepts discussed may raise questions for kids, and may require explanations (such as the scholar who says All praise be to God when his ship sinks, or the man who is sent into a cave with a lion to learn about dua). Also as with all spiritual advice, it is always better to consult with a scholar before engaging in specific practices.

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Shaista Yusufali

Shaista Yusufali is an English teacher who currently teaches at the RISE Academy in San Jose. She also studied at Jamiat al-Zahra from 2004-2006 and is the mother of three avid readers.

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