In this third installment in the New York Times bestselling series from Edgar Award winner James Ponti, the young group of spies help a fellow agent in another international adventure—once again using their unique skills and ability to infiltrate places adults can’t. The sinister Umbra has their sights set on recruiting a North Korean nuclear physicist by any means necessary, and the City Spies plan to keep an eye on his son by sending Paris…
4.7Overall Score
Forbidden City
Reader's Review Fans of the first two city spies will be thrilled with this third installment which is full of suspense, adventure and fascinating details about chess, maps, and a range of ...
Reader’s Review
Fans of the first two city spies will be thrilled with this third installment which is full of suspense, adventure and fascinating details about chess, maps, and a range of other topics. Parents will be equally happy to know that the book – though it does have some discussions about fashion and music – is free of romance and has almost no violence while still being a thrilling read.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: Sydney follows and becomes friends with a billionaire’s daughter, and accompanies her on shopping trips, writes a fashion blog, and spends time with a popular music band.
- Violence: a boy from North Korea gets kidnapped
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