Mona the mouse has finally found a place to call home, the cozy Heartwood Hotel, where she works as a maid and sleeps snuggled up in a room with her best friend. Following the festive St. Slumber celebration, most of the guests have settled in to hibernate, and the staff is looking forward to a relaxing winter. But disruptions abound, from a difficult duchess to a mysterious midnight snacker. As the snow stacks higher, Mona…
4.8Overall Score
Heartwood Hotel, Book 2 The Greatest Gift
Reader's Review Just as good as the first book in the series of Heartwood Hotel! This one also has Mona the mouse as the quiet hero who saves the day a number of times with her bravery and ...
Reader’s Review
Just as good as the first book in the series of Heartwood Hotel! This one also has Mona the mouse as the quiet hero who saves the day a number of times with her bravery and kind heart. A lovely book to read to younger children, and for slightly older children to read on their own.
To look out for
Not much of concern here some tense moments where the animals are lost in the middle of a blizzard.
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