Little Owl's Night
Reader's Review This bedtime picture book appears on many toddler book lists, and is generally very highly rated and praised. So it was with a bit of a disappointment that we read this book ...
Reader’s Review
This bedtime picture book appears on many toddler book lists, and is generally very highly rated and praised. So it was with a bit of a disappointment that we read this book about an owl who sees different animals active and exploring at nighttime. Young children may enjoy the many animals and the description of life at night, but there is nothing particularly poetic about the language or poignant about the pictures. It is, however, a highly popular book with families that have young children, and there is a lot of room for a parent to bring in God’s wondrous creation both during the day and at night.
To look out for
- Islamic Value: There is no issue within the book except that it is written from a secular perspective with no mention of God.