Katherine Paterson is back - A new novel from the author of Bridge to Terabithia - based on a completely true historical event. A historical novel about a young Cuban teenager who volunteers for Fidel Castro's national literacy campaign that taught those throughout the impoverished countryside to read.
4.1Overall Score
My Brigadista Year
Reader's Review A unique piece of historical fiction that tells the story of a 13 year old who volunteers to be a literacy teacher in the countryside in Cuba during the time of Fidel Castro. ...
Reader’s Review
A unique piece of historical fiction that tells the story of a 13 year old who volunteers to be a literacy teacher in the countryside in Cuba during the time of Fidel Castro. Recommended for older children as it contains some violence and mature topics.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: Main character goes against her parents wishes by volunteering in the village side. Story alludes to her getting her period and receiving help from those around her.
- Romance: Main character’s friend likes a boy.
- Violence: One of the camp members is killed. Mention of bandits, and injury.
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