My Special Angels
Reader's Review This Islamic picture book really stands out because of its stunning illustrations. In the story a young boy learns that two angels are always recording the deeds he carries out ...
Reader’s Review
This Islamic picture book really stands out because of its stunning illustrations. In the story a young boy learns that two angels are always recording the deeds he carries out – both good and bad, and desires to change his bad deeds into good ones. However, sensitive children may find the concept too much at a young age – especially the part about the angel feeling sad when the little boy fights with a friend. It would be valuable to discuss with children that everyone makes mistakes, and God does not take young children to account for their deeds.
To look out for
See note above. Also it is important to add to the discussion that ideally we carry out our actions out of love for God and humility in His presence, not only out of desire for reward and fear of consequences.