One hilarious Harlem family is on a mission to find the perfect way to celebrate their Papa's fortieth birthday while discovering more about their mysterious grandparents in this heartfelt romp. It's summer on 141st Street, and the Vanderbeekers are looking forward to Papa's surprise fortieth birthday party. Can they learn more about the grandfather they lost and come to appreciate the grandparents they still have while making sure their papa has the best birthday ever?
4.5Overall Score
The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish
Reader's Review Fans of the Vanderbeeker family will be keen to read the latest account of their adventures in book 5 of the series. This time the story revolves around discovering the mystery ...
Reader’s Review
Fans of the Vanderbeeker family will be keen to read the latest account of their adventures in book 5 of the series. This time the story revolves around discovering the mystery of where their father was supposed to travel to before his father passed away, and learning to deal with their grandmother who is critical and overbearing. This installment in the series seems to be geared towards a slightly younger audience, and may not keep the attention of older children.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: The grandmother is described in negative terms, and is incredibly critical of the children, and isn’t presented in a good light until the very end. Some mention of dancing and music.
- Romance: The older Vanderbeeker sister has a boyfriend.
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