War and Peace
Title: War and Peace
Published: 2018-08-07
ISBN: 9781724819055
Page Count: 828
Book URL: Google Books
War and Peace follows the lives of several aristocratic families during the French invasion of Russia and the Napoleonic Wars. It explores themes of love, war, politics, and the human condition, and is considered one of the great works of literature.
4.2Overall Score

War and Peace

Considered one of the greatest novels of all times, this classic is a history-dense work that provides an opportunity for avid readers to challenge themselves. To look out for: Islamic ...

  • Popularity
  • Islamic Values
  • Clean (Romance)
  • Clean (Profanity
  • Clean (Violence)

Considered one of the greatest novels of all times, this classic is a history-dense work that provides an opportunity for avid readers to challenge themselves.

To look out for:

Islamic Values: One of the central characters is an apparent athiest who questions religion several times. However, towards the end of his life, he begins to see the value of God and religion. Another character also struggles with the concept of God and religion; he joins a freemasonry in an attempt to free himself from the superficial aristocratic life. Tolstoy’s views on love and God are surprisingly Islamic but under no religion’s name.

Romance: A seductive woman marries a man for his money but engages in other affairs as well. Two characters fall in love with each other after dancing. Themes of love, infidelity, and loyalty to one’s fiance/spouse.

Profanity: “son-of-a—” and rare (depending on translation) use of “f–cking” and “b–tard”

Violence: The novel is set during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and key scenes include the Battle of Austerlitz and the Battle of Borodino. Several descriptions of the aftermath of battles and the carnage. A central characters dies as a result of a battle.


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Haniya Y. is a high schooler in San Jose, CA, who loves few things more than reading a book on a rainy day

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