“Fairy tale and history merge seamlessly” (Publishers Weekly, starred review) in this enchanting and lyrical novel about love and resilience from the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award winner, Katherine Rundell. Feo’s life is extraordinary. Her mother trains domesticated wolves to be able to fend for themselves in the snowy wilderness of Russia, and Feo is following in her footsteps to become a wolf wilder. She loves taking care of the wolves, especially the three who stay…
4.1Overall Score
The Wolf Wilder
Reader's Review A captivating book about a mother and daughter team who take care of domesticated wolves and teach them how to survive in the wild. The book goes back and forth between ...
Reader’s Review
A captivating book about a mother and daughter team who take care of domesticated wolves and teach them how to survive in the wild. The book goes back and forth between beautiful descriptions of nature and the main character’s love for her wolves, and the adventure she must go on to save her mother from an evil general who wants her dead. There is a fair amount of violence, and the book may be too scary for younger or more sensitive readers.
To look out for
- Islamic Values: Main character is a bit of a tomboy, caring only for her mother and her wolves, leading a wild life and not concerned with culture or social expectations
- Language: Main character swears, but the actual words are not mentioned.
- Violence: Girl takes care and tames wolves. A general is unhappy with the mother-daughter team and wants to kill them. Her mother is captured by the guards and imprisoned. Soldiers shoot her wolves, one of them dies, she attacks the general. Her house is burnt down. Eventually the wolves kill the general.
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